
In this article we will see how to describe UART receiver in VHDL. First of all let's create a project in ISE:

I use XC6SLX9 FPGA chip from Xilinx. You need to chose your chip. Also you can use a different FPGA family, for example, Altera. In any case VHDL code should work for any chip. After the project has been created we need to add a VHDL source file. At the beginning of the file the used libraries need to be defined:

library IEEE;


use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;



Then an interface should be defined:

entity My_UART is
    port (
              clk:           in          std_logic;                                     -- ext. 25 MHz osc.
              rx:             in          std_logic;                                    -- UART receiver input
              rx_byte:    out        std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)    -- received byte
end My_UART;


The entity physical signals are commented above and do not need any explanation. After the entity follows the architecture:

architecture  Behavioral of  My_UART is


end Behavioral;


Before a begin keyword all signals and constants are defined:

constant    clk_freq:            integer := 25_000_000;                        -- Osc. frequency

constant    uart_baud:         integer := 115200;                                -- UART baudrate

constant    uart_freq:          integer := clk_freq / (32 * uart_baud); -- UART system clock

signal        uart_divider:     integer range 0 to uart_freq;                 -- UART divider

signal        uart_clk:           std_logic;                                               -- UART divider

signal        cnt:                   integer range 0 to 15;                             -- UART clk counter

signal        sample:             std_logic;                                               -- Flag of begining


UART receiver should support a 115200 kbps baudrate. But receiver should read a data on the input pin 16 times faster than actual UART transmit signal is changing. System clock 25 MHz is too high for this. That is why a simple divider is used:

-- sys_clk divider for generating uart_clk

process (clk)                                                         


if (clk = '1' and clk'event)  then

  uart_divider <= uart_divider + 1;

  if (uart_divider = uart_freq)  then

    uart_clk <= uart_clk xor '1';

    uart_divider <= 0;

  end if;

end if;

end process;


The main part of UART receiver is shown below. A finite state machine has been implemented in VHDL. When it receives a byte, it outputs it to the output.

process (uart_clk)

variable          bitn:   integer range 0 to 9 := 0;             -- number of received bit

variable          data:  std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);    -- received byte

variable          rx_s:  std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);    -- bit sample variable

variable          rx_b:  std_logic;                                     -- received bit true value


if (uart_clk = '1' and uart_clk'event) then

if (rx_b = '1' and rx = '0') then                    -- start condition checking

  sample <= '1';

  rx_b := rx;


  rx_b := rx;

end if;

if (cnt = 8) then                                          -- 1st bit sample

  rx_s(0) := rx;

end if;

if (cnt = 9) then                                         -- 2nd bit sample

  rx_s(1) := rx;

end if;

if (cnt = 10) then                                        -- 3rd bit sample

  rx_s(2) := rx;

end if;

if (cnt = 11) then          -- if bit was sampled

 -- Defining true bit value

rx_b := ((rx_s(0) and rx_s(1)) or (rx_s(1) and rx_s(2)) or ((rx_s(0) and rx_s(2))));

case (bitn) is

when 0 =>

if  (rx = '0') then

  bitn := 1;


  bitn := 0;

sample <= '0';

end if;

when 1 => data(0) := rx_b;

  bitn := 2;

when 2 => data(1) := rx_b;

  bitn := 3;

when 3 => data(2) := rx_b;

  bitn := 4;

when 4 => data(3) := rx_b;

  bitn := 5;

when 5 => data(4) := rx_b;

  bitn := 6;

when 6 => data(5) := rx_b;

  bitn := 7;

when 7 => data(6) := rx_b;

  bitn := 8;

when 8 => data(7) := rx_b;

  bitn := 9;

when 9 => bitn := 0;

  sample <= '0';

if (rx = '1') then

  rx_byte <= data; -- output received byte into port

end if;

end case;

end if;

end if;

end process;


To demonstrate that the UART receiver works, it is need to generate a bitstream for the FPGA. To do this a constraints file *.ucf should be added to the ISE project:

# PlanAhead Generated physical constraints

NET "rx_byte[1]" LOC = P2;

NET "rx_byte[0]" LOC = P1;

NET "rx_byte[2]" LOC = P5;

NET "rx_byte[3]" LOC = P6;

NET "rx_byte[4]" LOC = P7;

NET "rx_byte[5]" LOC = P8;

NET "rx_byte[6]" LOC = P9;

NET "rx_byte[7]" LOC= P10;

NET "clk" LOC = P85;

NET "rx" LOC = P11;

# PlanAhead Generated IO constraints

NET "rx_byte[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

NET "rx_byte[7]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;




After the bit stream generation you will get a following picture:


As a UART transmitter it is possible to use any USB-UART  CP2102 converter like this:


My setup looks like this:

The source code can be taken from here. :)